Check the ingredients list
You can use the ingredients list to check if the product is high in ingredients which contain saturated fat, sodium (salt) or sugar. The ingredients are listed from largest to smallest by weight.
Saturated fat, sodium (salt) and sugar are known by a range of names in the ingredient lists.
Names for saturated fat
Saturated fat is an unhealthy fat and some of the names for ingredients which contain saturated fat that you might find on the ingredients list include:
- animal fat/oil
- beef fat
- butter
- coconut
- coconut oil
- coconut cream
- copha
- cream and sour cream
- ghee
- lard
- suet
- palm oil and vegetable oil
- vegetable shortening
- partially hydrogenated fat or partially hydrogenated oil
Names for added sugar
Some products contain ingredients that already have natural sugar in them, such as fruit and yoghurt. These are healthy sources of sugar.
Some products have sugars added to them. Adding sugar increases the amount of energy (kilojoules) in the food, without adding any nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Adding sugar makes products higher in energy than others without the added sugar. It is healthier to choose foods with less added sugar. Some of the names for added sugar that you might find on the ingredients list include:
- glucose (dextrose)
- sucrose
- fructose or high fructose corn syrup
- maltose
- treacle
- maple or golden syrup
- rice bran syrup
- honey
- molasses
- hydrolysed starch.
Other names for sodium (salt)
Other names for sodium (salt) can include:
- baking powder/ baking soda
- celery salt
- garlic salt
- yeast extract
- monosodium glutamate (MSG)
- sea salt
- vegetable salt
- sodium.
Along with table salt, sodium can be found in many different food additives. If your health professional has advised you to cut down on sodium, look for ingredients with the word ‘sodium’ in them. For example, table salt is sodium chloride, baking soda is sodium bicarbonate.