Adding movement to your existing activities during work is a great way to increase activity levels. Depending on your workplace, here are some ways to turn sedentary habits into opportunities to move more.
Taking a break from the office or workplace during lunch not only gives your mind a break but also helps get your body moving - even if it's only 15 minutes. Plus, being outdoors has benefits for your mental wellbeing too.
If you're able, take stairs instead of lifts – even if it's only one flight of stairs. Start small and gradually build it up each week. Stairs are also great for building up fitness because it increases the heart rate.
Consider getting off the train or bus one stop early or parking a few blocks away. This can add even more movement to your day and maybe even save you money! Find more ideas for active travel for families.
Ask your colleagues to have a ‘walk and talk’ meeting rather than sitting in a meeting room. Sometimes this might also be an option if you work remotely – taking a call while you’re walking rather than staying at the desk.
Consider physical activities for your next team building session, like a charity walk, bush walk, obstacle course or a casual game of touch football or soccer.
Walk to deliver a message to a colleague at their desk rather than emailing or phoning them. This can quickly increase your daily step count too if you make it a habit!